By-Laws Preamble We, the advisors of the Student Government Association of Texas two-year institutions of higher education in order to support our students and future leaders, adopt these by-laws. ARTICLE I – Name Section 1: This organization by its full name shall be known as the Texas Junior College Student Government Advisors’ Association Section 2: This organization by its abbreviated name shall be known as a 1) The Advisors’ Association or 2) the TJCSGAA. ARTICLE II – Purpose Section 1: To guide the Texas Junior College Student Government Association (TJCSGA) in such a way that its influence may be felt in the decision making process on issues that affect two-year college students. Section 2: To support the statewide student government association that protects and promotes leadership, understanding, education, and the best interest of the students of Texas. Section 3: To promote better relations between colleges and students. Section 4: To foster relationships and professional development for organization members, that said members may better serve the students of TJCSGA. ARTICLE III – Membership Section 1: Membership to this organization shall be granted to all Advisors of college Student Government Associations whose colleges have paid their dues to the Texas Junior College Student Government Association. Section 2: There shall be two categories of membership in this organization. They are as follows: A. Active members shall be all those Advisors of college Student Government Associations whose colleges have paid their dues to the Texas Junior College Student Government Association. B. Honorary membership may be granted in this organization to any persons who have rendered distinguished service to this association. Honorary members may not vote or hold office. Section 3: Membership behavior standards and discipline of members A. Members of the Advisors’ Association shall be expected to adhere to the rules and regulations of the TJCSGA general membership. Advisors shall refrain from engaging in unprofessional conduct including but not limited to profanity, name-calling, physical intimidation, or any other activities which may interfere with the integrity of the organization or its’ activities. B. Complaints against any member of the Advisors’ Association shall be delivered to the President of the Advisors’ Association. Complaints may be received from any member of the Advisors Association or any member of the TJCSGA. C. Upon receipt of a complaint, the President shall inform the remainder of the executive board and form a review committee consisting of the Vice-President and two members of the general assembly to be selected by the President. In the event that a complaint is made against the President of the Advisors’ Association the complaint shall be served upon the Editor and the Vice-President shall oversee any proceedings pertaining to discipline of the member. D. Notice of the complaint along with a copy thereof shall be served upon the subject of the complaint via email or hand-delivery as soon as possible and shall include information about the time and location of the committee’s review. E. The committee shall review the nature of the complaint and interview both the complainant and the advisor, as well as any other relevant parties. The committee shall also review any evidence of the alleged misconduct. The committee shall issue a report to the general assembly of the Advisors’ Association at the next meeting. If necessary, an emergency meeting may be called. The report shall include the recommendations to the Judicial Committee of the State Board for sanctions of the member including resolutions setting forth those sanctions. The available sanctions shall include: i.Censure by the Advisors’ Association ii.Suspension by the Advisors’ Association for a duration to be set forth in the recommendation of the committee iii.Removal from the State and/or regional conferences F. Upon the issuance of a report, the general assembly shall debate and vote on the resolutions proposed by the committee. The subject of the complaint shall be entitled to be present during the discussion and vote but may not participate therein. G. If the resolution passes a vote of the general assembly of the advisors’ association, a copy of the resolution shall be provided to the Judicial Committee of the TJCSGA general assembly and the Judicial Committee may take whatever subsequent actions they deem appropriate. ARTICLE IV – Officers Section 1: There shall be the following elected officers of this organization: A. President B. Vice President C. Editor of the Website D. TJCSGA State Advisor E. TJCSGA State Advisor-Elect Section 2: All duly elected officers of this organization represent the Advisors as collective advisors, and not representatives of the respective primary or subsidiary organizations or colleges. Section 3: Elections shall be held during the annual TJCSGA State Convention. A. The President and Vice President, and Editor shall be nominated by the floor and elected based on a simple majority vote. B. The TJCSGAA shall nominate two (2) members as nominees for State Advisor-Elect. State Advisor-Elect shall be decided through the elections process of the TJCSGA, from the nominees submitted. Section 4: Officer terms shall be marked by the close of the TJCSGA State Convention. A. The President and Vice President, and Editor shall each serve a term of one (1) year before reelection. B. The State Advisor and State Advisor-Elect shall each serve a term of two (2) years, one (1) year as State Advisor-Elect, followed by one (1) year as State Advisor. ARTICLE V – Executive Board Section 1: The Executive Board of this organization shall consist of the President, Vice President, Editor of the Website, TJCSGA State Advisor and TJCSGA State Advisor-Elect. Section 2: The Executive Board shall handle the administrative duties of this organization. Section 3: The regular meetings will be held during the TJCSGA State Convention. Section 4: The President may call a special meeting of the Executive Board 1) at his/her own discretion, or 2) upon the petition of two or more Executive Board provided a 7 day written notice is given to all Executive Board members. Section 5: A quorum for conducting business of the Executive Board shall be a majority of all the board members. Section 6: Each outgoing Executive Board must prepare the following summary reports for the succeeding Executive Board:
Section 7: Each outgoing Executive Board must present the succeeding Executive Board with all the standard items for the organization’s operation. Section 8: The Executive Board shall be responsible for the official conduct of the organization and shall report to the membership, when requested to do so, answers to all questions and concerns. Section 9: Executive Board meetings may be conducted via telephone or other digital utility if individually agreed upon by all members of the Executive Board. ARTICLE VI – Duties of Officers Section 1: It shall be the duty of the President to: A. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the General Assembly of this organization and at any special meetings. B. Call all meetings of the AA to order. C. Call all special meetings, when deemed necessary by the organization, with the assistance of the Executive Board. D. Prepare all agendas for all general and special meetings of this organization. E. Appoint the chairs and members of all committees of this organization. F. Make all interim appointments as needed with the advice and consent of the membership. G. Serve as an ex-officio of all committees, with the exception of the executive committee where he/she is the chair of the committee. H. Vote in cases of a tie. I. Enforce all provisions of the By-Laws, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules of this organization. J. Discipline any member as necessary as prescribed in these By-Laws and Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. K. Serve as chief spokesperson of the organization. Section 2: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to: A. In the absence of the President, duties of the office shall be transferred to the Vice President. B. In the event the President’s office is vacated before the time for the regular election, the Vice-President shall be declared President. C. The Vice President shall vote as a regular member unless presiding, in which case he or she shall vote only in the case of a tie. D. The Vice President shall plan an advisors’ workshop for the state convention. This shall be paid by the $10 additional fee for advisors. Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Editor of the Website to: A. In the absence of a Vice President, to serve as Vice President. B. To maintain an Advisor’s Association Website C. Keep accurate records of all proceedings of this organization. D. To send out of a copy of the minutes to all the members. E. The Editor of the Website shall vote as a regular member Section 4: It shall be the duty of the TJCSGA State Advisor to serve in an advisory position to the Advisors’ Association. Section 5: It shall be the duty of the TJCSGA State Advisor-Elect to: A. Meet with the AA President and new advisors to the Association. B. Serve as a liaison between the Advisors’ Association and the State Executive Board. ARTICLE VII – Succession Section 1: Should the individual serving as State Advisor no longer be affiliated with a member school, the State Advisor-Elect shall assume the office of State Advisor and a State Advisor-Elect pro-tem shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the president of the Advisors' Association. Section 2: Should the State Advisor-Elect no longer be affiliated with a member school, a State Advisor-Elect shall be appointed by the Executive Board of the TJCSGA. The State Advisor-Elect pro-tem shall be granted preference in appointment to the office of State Advisor-Elect at the subsequent state convention. ARTICLE VIII – Meetings and Quorum Section 1: Regular membership meetings of the TJCSGAA shall be held during the TJCSGA State Convention. Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President, a majority of the Executive Board, or upon the written request of seven (7) or more members. The President shall call such meetings. Notice of special meetings shall be given to the members at least seven (7) days in advance. Section 3: A quorum for conducting the business of any regular or special membership meeting shall be a majority of all members and majority of officers. Section 4: Special meetings called for the purpose of administering a special vote or election may be conducted online, provided notice is given at least fourteen (14) days in advance, and online voting is available for at least seven (7) days. ARTICLE IX – Amendments Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended at a special meeting called for that purpose by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Board and active membership, with a quorum being present to conduct business, provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing to the President at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Section 2: Once an amendment(s) has/have been accepted by the general assembly, it shall become a viable part of these by-laws. ARTICLE X – Ratification Upon ratification by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the Texas Junior College Student Government Advisors’ Association these By-Laws shall become the superior document of the organization. Ratified at convention April 12, 2019 |